Post Grad Move


After an exciting and monumental moment in your life, comes the harsh reality that you need to move out of your apartment. With all the excitement in place, you didn’t plan for packing every single possession you own or the cleaning you’d have to do afterwards. Unfortunately, moving can be very stressful, time consuming, and expensive. Here are a few tips to consider as a post grad moving somewhere new.

The first and most important thing to do is to go through all of your belongings and decipher what you do or don’t want to keep. This in itself is not only time consuming but also might send you off into a trail of nostalgia. No, those jeans don’t fit you anymore; yes, this dress still looks cute on you; and no, you’ll never look at those notes again. All that being said, it’s sometimes difficult to let go of items that hold sentimental value but, the reality is most of those things you’re unsure of keeping will never be used. A good method of using when deciding whether or not you will use something in the future is to consider how much you’ve used or even thought of this item in the last 6 months. If you’ve gone this long without remembering it, chances are you won’t use it again. A fresh new start to your new beginning can in fact be just as satisfying as holding on to items.

With this new chapter, comes a long list of expenses required to make your move happen. Consider asking your future employer if they offer any relocation compensation. If they do, often times you won’t receive it until after you’ve started regardless. This is important to keep in mind, as you will likely be fronting the costs of the move until you are compensated. If your employer does not offer any type of compensation for moving, you can always report the expenses when you do your taxes. Saving all the invoices throughout your move and having proof of starting a new job, that is close to a time in which you moved, is further than 50 miles from your previous job, and is full time for at least 39/52 weeks in a year can qualify you for a tax deduction the following year.

Keeping all of your costs low and planning in advance will guarantee a successful move in the long run. With a new job, and a new city, one of the last things you want to be concerned with is being able to pay for the move.

Moving as a Family


Despite the aggravation that comes with moving, it is an inevitable reality of life. Moving somewhere new can often be the start of a new chapter in your life. Whether it’s because of a new job, a new school, a new community, or simply a new adventure, a new home is a new beginning for your family with new opportunities. Still, it’s not an easy change for everyone and some of the most affected individuals throughout the process tend to be children. To children, specifically those below the age of 5, they often experience a fear of abandonment by their parents when trying to understand how the move will affect them. Those a little older tend to focus on how their everyday lives will be impacted, and teenagers mostly focus on leaving behind their already established social life. All of these fears and concerns will likely arise when moving with your kids and it’s up to you to ease the transition as best you can. Here are some ways in which you can make moving less stressful on your family.

Communicating with your children, as early as possible in the process is perhaps one of the best things you can do. Asking them about how they feel about it will not only allow you to understand their feelings but, it will also make your child feel important and considered throughout the whole process. If you have enough time, show your kids the neighborhoods you’re considering in the new area and show them places where they can play and take part in activities. In addition to this, get your kids excited over their new bedrooms by bouncing ideas back and forth. Nothing excites children more than having their whimsical ideas entertained. Another important thing to consider, is trying to maintain connected to your old community as much as possible if your children have friends and family there. Things like Skype, phone calls, or even mailing letters can help your child feel reassured that they’re not losing these people in their lives. Putting your children at ease will without a doubt put you at ease as well.

Your children will remember their moving experience for a long time and you want to make sure it is not marred with sad memories. Try and make sure you consider as many of these tips as you can in your moving process so that you can all begin this new adventure with as much positivity as possible!


Moving with your Pets

move dog

Pets are very sensitive to changes in their environment. Given that animals do not comprehend that a move is about occur, the process of moving is very much confusing and emotionally tolling on an animal.  While you are not able to verbally communicate to your animal the change that is about to occur, there are a few things you can do to indicate to your pet that the new environment they are entering is safe and comfortable for them. Try and be on the look out for areas where you know your dog can play and be walked easily. For cats, try to consider a place with a lot of vertical space as cats enjoy climbing and exploring higher grounds.

On the day of your move, ensure you have one room that’s designated for your pet. This room will ensure your pet is safe and away from all the chaos that comes with moving. If designating one room to your pets becomes too difficult maybe consider having your pets stay at a friend or family members home. You may also want to think about how you will prepare your pet for the drive if they are not used to being in a car and you have a long trip ahead. Creating a smaller more familiar environment within the car, like a crate, may prove to be less overwhelming for your pet. Placing things like treats, food, and a warm familiar blanket in the crate will help your pet feel more at home.

Upon arriving at your new home, try to give your pet some time to adjust by just placing their food, water, bed, and toys into one room and slowly introducing them to other rooms. Taking your pet on a nice walk shortly after arriving might help reduce their energy and also serve as an introduction for their new environment. Once you’re settled in make sure you also do some research on veterinarians and dog parks in your new area. Taking into consideration all of these tips will surely make it a much easier transition for your pet. Your furry friends deserve peace of mind throughout this process as well.