Stress-Free Moves Are Possible With These Tips!

Couple relaxing after finishing a move

As exciting as moving into a new place can be, many people still dread the certain moving aspects, such as packing, loading, unloading, rearranging, cleaning, and so on. But moving doesn’t have to be the stress-inducing endeavor many people believe it to be. Below, our experienced Gainesville movers share five expert tips for achieving a stress-free move.

Contact our moving company, UF Mover Guys, today to request a free quote on any of our moving services!

Stay Organized

Moving, as with many other tasks, can be made significantly easier with a bit of organization. One of the best ways to get organized is by making lists. Start by listing everything that needs to get done in the weeks leading up to the big move. Checking a few tasks off your list every day can help ensure you don’t fall behind or forget anything. Also, once the packing begins, be sure to label each box clearly. Ideally, each box should have what it contains and what room it belongs in written on top.

Declutter & Downsize

At one point or another, everyone has looked around their home and thought, “I really should toss some of this stuff out.” Lucky for you, moving is the perfect excuse to finally do so. A few weeks ahead of the move, take some time to identify anything you no longer need or use. Whether you decide to donate, discard, or sell your old belongings, just make sure it’s done before moving day. Tossing old stuff before moving saves you from having to load/unload boxes full of useless items, which is a convenience you’ll undoubtedly be thankful for come move-out day.

Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute

The sooner you start preparing for your big move, the better. If at all possible, try to give yourself at least 8 weeks to get everything done. Obviously, you can’t pack all of your belongings into a box eight weeks before your move-out date, but you can start getting smaller tasks done. Start with chores such as getting your utilities transferred, reserving a moving truck or services, packing up items you won’t need in your daily life, and throwing out anything you don’t plan on bringing. The more you can get finished early on, the less you’ll have to worry about on moving day.

Take Breaks

Moving is a physically taxing process, and we understand wanting to get it all done as soon as possible, but you’ve got to remember to take care of yourself. The night before moving, make sure to get plenty of restful sleep. On the morning of, eat a hearty breakfast. Finally, and most importantly, remember to take breaks on moving day. Lifting boxes, climbing stairs, arranging furniture — all of these activities are going to burn a lot of energy, so it’s paramount that you stop, rest, and refuel when necessary.

Ask For Help

Last but certainly not least, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Call up friends and family early on and ask if they can help you throughout the moving process. Moving house is a big project, and the more hands you have helping, the quicker it will get finished.

Want some professional help? Contact our Florida movers to book your move or learn more about our services!