Moving is one of the most fatiguing and time consuming processes. While many people decide to tackle the task on their own, they often run the risks of hurting their backs, threatening the well-being of their property and taking massive amounts of personal time away from work. Moving-companies can be a life-saver in both expediting and easing the massive undergoing of moving. Regardless, outsourcing to paid movers has its own set of headaches.
We’ve all heard the horror stories; boxes full of precious property gone missing, cracks in 60 inch LED flat screen televisions and irremovable dirty footprints on plush new carpeting. Often times, such stories can be true despite whatever dollar-figure is paid for a mover’s services. In the end, price is secondary to the level of customer service provided by a given company. Because relocation has many potential pratfalls, our Gainesville Movers believe it is important that consumers become moving-company detectives.
Simply browsing a series of web listings, comparing prices and reading company websites is not going to be a enough to make a truly informed financial decision. Instead, customers should arm themselves with important questions, ensuring potential prospects are closely interrogated before one pounces upon a business’s self-proclaimed “hot-deal.” In addition, consumers should always follow up questioning by asking former customers about previous experiences. Reputable companies may swear upon a clean track record and choose to omit instances where their services were not great. In comparison, other customer’s are more willing to be honest with fellow consumers. Ask each business for references that you can follow-up with.
Be sure to use questions similar to these:
- Did the former customer receive a binding or nonbinding estimate? If the estimate was nonbinding, how much did the mover exceed the quote by? Why did the quote change?
- When signing the contract, did the reference have the option for any insurance or promised compensation for damage incurred to the customer’s possessions? If so, did the customer find they were good on their promise if damage was incurred?
- Did the contractor show up at an agreed upon time, as per their contract?
- How well did the company adhere to the estimated time-line for service?
- Did the company have the necessary equipment needed to wrap items carefully and provide safe transportation?
- Did the hired crew have clear directions to the new residence, ensuring their was no wasted time on the road?
- If any unexpected delays arose, was the reference contacted with an explanation of why they were held up? If so, was the reference charged additionally for the unforeseen issue?
- Did any of the customer’s belongings suffer damage as a result of the mover’s mishandling any time during the transportation process? If yes, how extensive was the damage?
- Was the crew enthusiastic, friendly and willing to work hard without complaint? Was the reference met with verbal obstacles and delays? Examples could include, “This item is too large” or “We aren’t hired to take furniture apart”?
Often times, companies similar to UF Mover Guys may offer fantastic service; however, it is still crucial that people ensure every mover investigated is licensed with the Department of Transportation and/or Interstate Commerce Commission of a given state. Contacting the Better Business Bureau can provide a wealth of knowledge on likely moving-company options, including licenses, customer complaints and unethical employee treatment.