Helpful Checklist For Moving To An Apartment

When you move into a new apartment, your mind might be filled with daydreams about interior design and party-hosting. You might spend hours envisioning what furniture and items you will use to decorate your new space. But what about the important aspects of moving that we tend to overlook or forget?

With UF Mover Guys, moving doesn’t have to be stressful. That’s why we compiled this easy-to-follow checklist on what to do when moving into an apartment. We want to help make your apartment feel like home as quickly as possible. If you need packing, loading, unloading, transportation, storage, or residential moving services in Gainesville, FL, contact our team today.

Invest In Storage

Depending on the size of your apartment, you may need to invest in hidden storage. Storage ottomans and coffee tables with concealed, empty centers are great options for hiding unsightly clutter, mail, or miscellaneous board games. However, before purchasing large storage furniture items, measure your apartment space to make sure everything fits. When unpacking your closet and wardrobe, you can also use door organizers to hang up your shoes, belts, and accessories. Play around with different options to discover the perfect fit for your apartment. 

Research Renter’s Insurance

While no one wants to think of disaster striking them and their home, it is always a possibility. Renter’s insurance allows people to stay prepared. This insurance option, depending on your insurance provider, can be relatively affordable when paid month-to-month. The purpose of renter’s insurance is that it offers coverage in case of loss or damage to your personal belongings. Whether an unexpected fire starts in your home or water floods your building, renter’s insurance is there to protect your items. Each insurance provider offers different coverage options, so be ready to research and compare. It’s better to be safe and sorry – look into renter’s insurance today.

Update Your Address

Most people forget to do this! When you move from one place to the next, make sure to update your address information on any important documents or services. Check your voter registration, driver’s license, subscriptions, bills, and upcoming deliveries. That way, all of your necessary things will be delivered to the correct location. 

Conduct An Inspection

Don’t be held liable for a previous tenant’s negligence. Most landlords and apartment managers require you to complete an inspection sheet after you move in. You are given the first few days to assess the condition of your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, bedroom, living room, and closets. It is important to be thorough in your inspection in case you need to file any necessary maintenance or service requests. Additionally, if you mark down all of the damage you see, you can also ensure that you get your security deposit back. Check to see if there are any leaks under the sink, if the light switches, fans, and appliances work properly, and if the doors lock and close completely.