Five Tips For Moving With Children

Family Moving In Gainesville, FL
Caring for young children is a full-time job. Adding a relocation into the mix can make for a complex moving process. These five tips from the Gainesville moving professionals at UF Mover Guys will help you simplify the process of moving with kids.

1. Hold A Family Meeting

To prepare children for a move, start with a family meeting several months ahead of moving day. Order-in from your favorite pizzeria — for recommendations in Gainesville, try Satchel’s Pizza, Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza, or MOD Pizza — gather the family around the dining table, and lay out in clear terms what everyone can expect (e.g., changing schools, leaving old friends, making new friends). By taking away the element of surprise and providing kids with realistic expectations, children are more likely to both adjust to and handle the move.

2. Ask Your Kids For Feedback

Parents know best, but kids always have an opinion. When it comes time to make decisions about the move, let the kids have their say. If you’re browsing homes for sale online, ask the kids what they like or dislike about your final picks. When you’re choosing a moving company, ask your children whether they agree with your choice of Gainesville movers! The point of this exercise is to provide your kids with a reason to feel invested in and involved with a significant aspect of the move.

3. Downsize Kids’ Rooms With Caution

The fewer items you take with you, the easier the process of moving. Every move should include downsizing — the process of donating, selling, and/or disposing of items you no longer need, want or use. But for the sake of household harmony, exercise caution when downsizing kids’ bedrooms and play areas. While it may be less of a burden to move five boxes of toys instead of ten, the stress of moving coupled with extreme downsizing can be too much change to handle for young children. Instead, consider hosting a yard sale once the move is complete.

4. Spend A Day As Tourists

When you live close enough to your next home to visit ahead of time, you can help your kids adjust to life in their new surroundings by spending the day as tourists. You can swing by the new house or apartment as well as the kids’ new school to help them become familiar with nearby, but new surroundings. It may also be beneficial to set aside a couple of hours for exploring the new neighborhood with the kids. If your family is moving to Gainesville, feel free to contact UF Mover Guys for tips about local points of interest.

5. Prepare A Moving-Day Survival Kit

A survival kit for moving day follows the same concept as the kits commonly prepared for hurricane season and other perilous occasions. But instead of batteries, you have fruit snacks. Rather than astronaut food, you have granola bars. Instead of a flashlight, you have coloring books, handheld game consoles or kid-friendly apps downloaded and ready for use on your smartphone. Other items in a survival kit for moving with small children include wet-nap moist towelettes, a change of clothes, a few select toiletries, and a few of your kids’ favorite toys. As the majority of your personal belongings will be packed into boxes, this kit can serve to provide you and your kids with the necessities until your items arrive to the new living space. For more moving tips or to schedule your next move, contact UF Mover Guys today!

How To Have A Successful Garage Sale

If you’re preparing for a move and have a surplus of unused or unwanted items, organizing a garage sale may be your solution. Here are some tips provided by UF Mover Guys — the moving company Gainesville, FL, residents trust.

Yard Sale Before Moving In Gainesville, FL

Start Planning In Advance

Choosing a date is one of the first steps to pulling off a successful garage sale. Planning the sale a few weeks in advance gives you plenty of time to identify unwanted items, price the items appropriately and advertise the sale.

Pick A Date & Time

The majority of garage sales occur on both Saturday and Sunday. Gainesville movers suggest scheduling a weekend sale to increase the chances of more business — which will ideally generate more success.

Another detail to determine is how many days the sale will run. If you’re downsizing from a modest apartment, a one-day event on Saturday — the busiest day of the week for garage sales — should be sufficient. On the other hand, if you have a surplus, the best option may be a multi-day sale.

Bargain hunters typically begin early in the day to find the best deals. Scheduling your sale early means you’ll see a wider range of participants. Also, know your location — as a Gainesville moving company, UF Mover Guys understand local weather is finicky. Afternoon showers put a literal damper on garage sales, so scheduling an early sale may bypass a storm.

Advertise Wisely

When it comes to advertising, there are several dos and don’ts. Things to do include writing a compelling ad that portrays the garage sale as an event worth attending. Listing a few of your best items for sale is a great way to drive in traffic. Advertising it as a moving sale implies that you’ll have great deals or that everything must go, which typically attracts more visitors. Movers recommend posting your garage sale ad on social media, local online classified sections and in the newspaper.

It’s suggested not to run the ad too many days in advance as people may forget by the time the sale date arrives. And be careful not to target your ad to areas that are too far to travel.

Presentation Is Everything

One detail that you shouldn’t lose sight of throughout the day is the presentation of the garage sale. Before the sale begins, arrange belongings in an organized and appealing manner. As your items sell, rearrange the remaining items to maintain an impressive presentation.

To keep everything organized, use moving boxes and packaging labels to sort items into categories, such as kitchen utensils, books, and clothing. Using boxes and labels also allows shoppers to find items they’re interested in easily and quickly. Note that you can purchase all of the moving boxes and materials you need for your garage sale from UF Mover Guys!

Find Local Movers In Gainesville, FL

Around the time you begin to plan for the move-out garage sale, you can also schedule moving services with UF Mover Guys. Whether you’re a student leaving the dorms or a family vacating a multi-story home, our team is adept to handle all sizes of moves. We have a fleet of moving trucks to transport both within Gainesville and across the country. We also offer temperature-controlled storage facilities and individual moving services, including full pack-ups as well as loading and unloading services where we do all of the heavy lifting. To schedule moving services, contact us today!

Don’t Make These Post-Move Mistakes

Man Moving In Gainesville

For renters moving is as inevitable a part of life as waking in the morning. However, just because renters move often doesn’t mean it comes easily to them. Quite the opposite: many renters still make the same moving mistakes, some of which cause them trouble and aggravation when it’s time to move out. Here, UF Mover Guys, a team of movers Gainesville renters trust, lists common post-move errors and how renters can avoid them.

Over-Customizing The Interior

The apartment isn’t yours to own; by definition, it’s a rental. However, you still can decorate however you want — up to a degree. Keep in mind: the alterations you make must be undone before you move out. Otherwise, you’re financially liable for repair costs. If you take customizations too far — painting rooms a color that’s hard to paint over; swapping out ceiling fans and appliances; attaching wall hangings with big nails that create gaping holes — that will cost you later. Instead, stick to ephemeral decorations — like sticky putty for wall art — and refrain from altering things that can’t be easily brought back to their original appearance.

Letting Your Guard Down

During all of the excitement of moving, it’s easy to let down your guard. You’re so focused on what’s in front of you, you forget about the dangers around you. But even if the area itself is safe, an Instagram post depicting your truck-full of belongings on the street side could post a security risk. Other lapses of security include leaving doors and windows unlocked, which can invite in intruders, vandals, or thieves. To deter theft at your apartment, you should remain vigilant: lock up when you’re not home, even if it’s only for a few minutes, and have a trusted confidant keep tabs on your stuff.

Cleaning The Wrong Way

Landlords ask tenants to clean their apartments before moving out — that’s standard practice. But this policy is a double-edged sword. It’s beneficial to you when you first move in: the apartment is freshly cleaned and in pristine condition. However, after you’ve settled into the apartment, you have to clean regularly to prevent things from quickly going downhill, at which point you’re left with a sizable clean-up on moving day. Worse still, if you don’t get things cleaned up, the landlord keeps your security deposit (usually one or two month’s rent). As a workaround, have the moving company put your belongings in storage for a few days. This gives you time to deep clean the apartment while its empty.

UF Mover Guys understands the needs of renters. Our movers in Gainesville assist every tenant from students in dorms or off campus housing to families or professionals in high-end condos and townhouses. We charge no travel or fuel fees for local moves, and we have small and large trucks, climate-controlled storage, moving supplies, and anything else you’ll need to get the job done. For help moving, contact us today!

Life Hacks For Packing & Moving

Woman Labeling Moving Box In Gainesville, FL

Life hacks are clever shortcuts that increase the efficiency and ease of everyday tasks. During a move, a few simple hacks can go a long way. While employing the services of a Gainesville moving company, you should expect your movers to use professional packing techniques and proper tools and materials. However, for the portion of the job that you’re responsible for, the following life hacks can make things much easier.

Everyday Items To Use For Packing Materials

Packing is a skill that comes naturally to many. However, when it comes to delicate and hazardous items, people often get hung up wondering about the safest and most cost-effective ways to pack these. Here, we suggest some easy packing tips for challenging objects you might encounter during a residential move.

Conceal Cutlery With Potholders

Just about everybody owns kitchen knives — unless you’re one of those ambitious people who cut up food with the edge of a fork — yet many people don’t know how to safely transport them.

Figuring out how to pack up a collection of unsheathed blades certainly is a perplexing dilemma. But there’s a progression of solutions you can go through until you find the answer that works for you. The main goal is to conceal the edges so the blades don’t scratch anything or, even worse, someone. If your knives have plastic protective covers, use them. If no covers are available, insert the blades into a knife block and wrap a piece of tape over the handles to secure them in place.

If none of those options is available, reach for your cloth potholders. (Everybody has a few of these lying around the kitchen.) Insert the sharp ends of the knives into the pot holders and then wrap the whole thing with tape or a rubber band. Now your knives are secure and can be packed in a box with other kitchen items.

Protect Stemware With Socks

Stemware is something else people struggle to pack. Most glasses have some degree of durability. But wine glasses are on the lower end of that spectrum because of their fragile stems, making them trickier to pack up and transport. But have no fear, our movers have a solution: socks.

To keep stemware from shattering, head to the bedroom dresser and ransack the sock drawer. Grab one pair of clean socks for each wine glass. Roll up the first sock and put it into the glass. Then pull the second sock over the entire glass. Hosiery might seem like it’s out of place in the kitchen, but using socks in this manner can mean the difference between you arriving at your new home with intact glassware versus a box of broken shards. Socks, and clothing generally, also can take the place of bubble wrap for packing mugs, plates, and other delicate pieces of dishware.

Use Pool Toys To Pack Wall Hangings

Because swimming pools are so prevalent in Florida, many people have access to foam pool noodles. These aren’t just life-savers in the water but also when it comes to packing up mirrors, pictures frames, and other flat wall hangings.

Grab a few pool noodles and make sure they’re the ones with holes through the center. (You should also check that nobody will miss them later.) Slice each noodle down the center, leaving you with two halves. Then cut these into pieces the same lengths as the width and height of the wall hanging. Fold one piece over each side of the picture frame or mirror until all four sides are covered. The noodles will protect the hangings items from dents in case of an impact with any other items on the moving truck.

Other items that can receive the pool-noodle treatment are your flat-screen TV and laptop. Meanwhile, if you plan to stack the wall hangings on the moving truck, lay a towel in between each of them for added padding. Even better is to use beach towels, which complete the pool theme!

Avoid Wall Damage With Rubber Bands & Soap

Life hacks also can help you prevent and mitigate damage to the walls of your home or apartment. Before you start packing up to move, take a look around and observe all the objects on the walls: TV mounts, shelves, posters. Chances are most of these are attached with nails, and you’ll need a hammer to remove them. One way to do this while inflicting the least amount of wall damage is to wrap a rubber band in a crisscross where the hammer’s head and handle meet. This creates a buffer between the hammer and the wall to prevent scuff marks and dents.

Whether you’re removing nails, screws, or thumbtacks, something else you can count on is them leaving behind small yet conspicuous holes. Best-case scenario: the new homeowners are displeased. Worst-case: your landlord charges you to repair the damage. Either way, it’s better to take corrective action before moving out.

One moving tip is to keep a bar of ivory soap handy while you’re packing. Every time you come across a pinhole in the wall, break off a dab of soap and insert it into the hole. If the damage is still noticeable, or you don’t have soap to match the wall color, you’ll have to use a proper repair technique: sanding, spackling, and then repainting the wall.

Use Labels To Stay “Organized”

Once the boxes are taped shut, it can be a mystery as to which items are inside which container. But not knowing the contents of the boxes makes unloading and unpacking take much longer. Keeping track of which items are inside of which box, on the other hand, allows you to stay organized and complete your move much faster.

When you know which boxes contain kitchen utensils or bedroom knick-knacks, for example, you can take them straight from the moving truck to the area of the home where they belong. To achieve this level of organization, put a written label on each box describing its contents. You can keep things general (“kitchen” or “bedroom”) or get meticulous with an item-by-item checklist. The latter takes more time upfront, but it allows you to keep track of everything much more easily.

Another way to take inventory of your belongings is to snap a few photos of the insides of each box before you close it. If you print out the pictures and tape them to the boxes, these can take the place of written labels.

As a full-service moving company in Gainesville, you won’t find UF Mover Guys cutting corners on packing techniques or materials. Everything we do is to the highest level of professionalism and quality. But while we don’t use life hacks ourselves, we’re happy to pass them along to you — anything to make your move easier! Call us to schedule moving services today!

How To Get Through A Last-Minute Move Like A Pro

Moving Company Truck In Gainesville

If the idea of getting through a last-minute move makes you break out in a cold sweat, don’t worry! UF Mover Guys provides five tips to help anyone handle a last-minute move like a professional under any circumstances.

Hire A Gainesville Moving Company

When you’re working with a strict deadline, which is often the case with a last-minute move, hiring movers in Gainesville, FL, will be the best decision you can make. Our professional movers are trained to safely yet efficiently move all belongings out of your home on a tight schedule. Hiring a moving company will also let you focus on other details of the move, such as setting up utilities at your new home.

Organize Packing Materials

Don’t worry about finding a deluxe edition of packing materials — look around your apartment or home instead. Round up fabric materials such as bed sheets, pillowcases, towels, and even socks to protect fragile belongings. Most movers Gainesville residents turn to know how efficient these items are for wrapping around an object or used as padding between items in a box or container.

Call In Favors With Friends & Family

We’ve all been there — thinking it won’t take long to pack a home or apartment because you don’t have many personal belongings. That is until an upcoming move appears out of thin air and you quickly realize your belongings multiplied overnight. Now is the time to call in any favors that friends and/or family members may owe you for helping them with previous moves. The more hands there are sorting, packing, and loading, the more quickly the home will be ready.

Declutter & Donate Belongings

Before you begin packing, it’s a good idea to declutter and donate any belongings you either don’t want or haven’t used in a lengthy period of time. A good rule of thumb to follow, especially for clothing, is if it hasn’t been worn in at least the previous six months, donate the item instead of packing it. Other tips to help you decide if something should be decluttered include:

  • Is the item damaged?
  • Did you remember you owned it?
  • Is it used on a seasonal basis?

A Gainesville moving tip the professional movers with UF Mover Guys frequently share is to start decluttering in storage areas or rooms that are seldom used each day.

Plan For Last-Minute Cleaning

While our team of professional Gainesville movers is loading boxes and belongings from your home, use the time to do some last-minute cleaning on windows, shelves, and other areas that may have been covered by boxes or furniture. Also, walk through each room to make sure nothing is left behind. This will be especially helpful if cleaning is required to receive the security deposit after move-out.

Hire Movers In Gainesville, FL

As a full-service moving company Gainesville, FL, residents have turned to for more than a decade, UF Mover Guys is ready to handle any type of last-minute move. Our team understands how stressful any move can be but works in lockstep with you to create a moving plan that works for you. Contact UF Mover Guys today to get through your next move like a pro!

Three Tips On How To Pack For Frequent Moves

Tips on Packing for Frequent Moves

Packing and moving can be overwhelming for those who are unprepared. If you relocate on a regular basis, whether for a transient job, research project, internship or study abroad experience, it’s important to have a streamlined plan for packing and moving. Even those who choose to relocate just for the enjoyment of exploration need a plan that makes moving frequently as simple and enjoyable as discovering new places. This list of tips from local moving company UF Mover Guys will make your frequent relocation to-dos a breeze so you can get to your destination with ease knowing that your packed items are in good hands with the best movers Gainesville has to offer.

Have A Moving Plan

The best way to start your streamlined pack-and-move process is to create a plan. A good place to create and keep this list is on your phone, where it’s readily available and easy to access from anywhere you find yourself. Having your list of essentials to pack will make your subsequent moves a breeze. Include contact information for your go-to Florida movers. Add a list of items you have to have on-hand and subcategories for where to pack each thing to keep your packing tasks concise and time-efficient.

Pack A Suitcase

Since you won’t have the luxury of going through your closet each day, packing a suitcase with a curated selection of outfits is essential. Before packing, go through your clothes and put aside go-to outfits for your trip. Pack with the average forecasted weather in mind for the time you’re away and the varied occasions you’ll need to dress for. Toss in any medications you may need on your trip along with your clothes. Packing well ensures you will have what you need with you, leaving the packed boxes for your Gainesville moving company to take care of.

Cultivate A “Camping” Mentality

Frequent moves can be disruptive because the majority of your belongings are packed away in boxes. For those who move often, packing just the essentials (similar to how you pack for camping trips), can help streamline the process and save time.

To start, curate a “camp kitchen” that includes a set of kitchen utensils, along with dish soap, a dishcloth and towel. Your “camp bathroom” should be composed of your essential toiletries, a face cloth, bath towel and a handful of laundry detergent pods. Last, assemble your “camp office.” This should include a computer bag with phone and computer chargers as well as minimal office supplies (pen, paper, etc.). These items should go into your car or in the suitcases and boxes that travel with you. The rest, packed away in boxes, can be left to trusted movers Gainesville, Florida, offers.

With each of your camp packs ready to go, you’ll have what you need to leave town quickly. Whether you’re shipping the rest of your items to your new destination or storing them locally for your return trip, a local moving company Gainesville, FL residents trust like UF Mover Guys will work with you to transport your loved possessions with ease.

Pro Tip: Try to make do with the “camping” supplies the week prior to and the week following your move, eliminating any need to access items packed away in boxes and getting you used to only using the essentials.

Picking A Reliable Moving Company

Choosing a reliable Gainesville moving service is imperative to ensure your packed items are in safe hands while being transported from place to place. Whether you’re moving to Gainesville or moving to a new location in town, it’s important to have a moving company you trust to help you transition.

UF Mover Guys maintains its status as the Gainesville moving company for all your packing and moving needs. We offer both long-distance and in-state moving help as well as  full-service packages that include packing and transportation of your items. In addition, we don’t charge you for travel or fuel for local moves! Our goal is to serve you. Contact UF Mover Guys today!

Moving For Love? Read This First!

Moving for Love

Many couples who don’t live near one another choose to try out long-distance relationships. Other couples decide to forego the distance and relocate to be with their sweethearts. If you’re considering moving to be with your partner, whether across town, the state, or the nation, there are a plethora of things to consider. Here are the top five.

5 Tips On Moving For Love

The good news is that you’re not the first person to move for love. There are many tips and tricks out there on this topic. Experienced in the art of moving, Gainesville moving company UF Mover Guys has a few tips to help you make the best choice about your move. Don’t relocate without considering these success secrets on moving for love.

1. Discuss The Details

First and foremost, you’ll need to discuss the logistics of your move with your partner. Both you and your partner should have a clear understanding of why you’re making this move, how committed both of you are to one another, long-term plans for the future and the logistics of your move with your chosen Florida movers. Keeping communication channels open and honest will help you feel secure in your decision to relocate to be closer to your partner.

2. Make A Plan

After you’ve decided to relocate to be with your significant other, it’s time to devise a plan. Planning your move from start to finish will help you reduce stress while packing and relocating as well as provide you with a clear picture of how each day leading up to the move will look. This includes choosing a reliable moving company to help you relocate. You will want to choose a moving company Gainesville, FL residents trust. While there are a variety of movers available, picking the right company is important to ensure your move runs smoothly from packing to delivery.

3. Keep Your Chin Up

Emotions are fickle when moving house. The key to keeping your emotions in check is to stay positive throughout your move. In times of stress, remind yourself why you’re making the decision to move in the first place. Sticking to your moving plan will also help you feel prepared and productive.

4. Stay True To Yourself

Moving, whether across town or out of state, gives you a clean slate. Since you’ll be hitting the restart button on your current life, it’s important to remember who you are and what you value. New friends, jobs, and surroundings can make you feel a little lost. To remedy this, engage in some of your favorite hobbies, plan activities you’re familiar with and find what makes you happy in this new place. Though your partner is in close proximity, staying true to yourself and finding what you, alone, enjoy can help you feel like yourself in your new digs.

5. Be A Team

You and your partner are in this together. When you first move for love, everything will feel new and exciting, but important decisions will have to be made soon. Jobs? Bills? Life’s choices will creep in, but with your partner by your side, you will have the opportunity to make them together.

Picking the Right Company For Your Move

Whether you’re moving to Gainesville or making a move within the city, it’s important to have a moving company you trust to help you transition. UF Mover Guys is the Gainesville moving company for all your needs. Our company of movers Gainesville locals praise offers long-distance and in-state moving as well as a full-service package that includes packing and transportation. We don’t even charge travel or fuel fees for local moves! Call us today, and let us help you start the next chapter of your life.

Moving To A New City? Check Out These 5 Moving Tips

Tips for Moving to a New City

Moving to a new city is like starting a new adventure, but getting the relocation right takes a strong game plan. Whether you’re relocating for school, work, love, or just new experiences, these five moving tips will help you make the most of your fresh start in a new land.

1. Learn About The City Before Moving

Researching your new city ahead of time can reveal valuable details such as where are the best schools, or which apartments are pet-friendly. Of all your search criteria, though, it’s the neighborhood that should be your primary concern: the last thing you’d want is to move to a new home, baggage, boxes and all, only to realize shortly afterward that things aren’t working out for you there.

If you have the option to visit the city before moving there, this can help you get a better feel for what your research means in real terms. But if visiting isn’t an option, there are still plenty of online resources that can help you investigate the area. You should also research online different movers in Gainesville, FL: checking rates and reading a few reviews can help you select the best crew to take your possessions from point A to point B.

2. Spend Money Wisely

Money matters; this is especially true when you’re moving to a new city, which is an expensive endeavor between housing and transportation alone. To keep the moving costs down, take inventory of your belongings and choose which to take with or leave behind. Once everything’s accounted for, call up your preferred moving company for a cost estimate to factor into your budget. Other costs to think about include setting up utility services — a day without Internet is a hard day — and buying new home furnishings.

3. Be Choosy About The Neighborhood

This is where paying special attention to residential neighborhoods in your pre-move research pays off. It’s easier to acclimate around like-minded people, and living at a convenient location makes shopping and commuting easier and provides you with more exposure to the desirable areas of the city. Mortgage or rent costs, local crime rates, and proximity to schools, hospitals, parks, and shops are just a few factors to consider about an area. And if you’re looking for inside tips, residential movers are a great resource. Since movers pack up homes all across the city, they are familiar with the cultures and people in different neighborhoods.

4. Set Up A Mobile Office

A mobile office can serve as your command center during a move. Whether you have a job lined up in the new city and are starting work early, or you’re setting up interviews and writing cover letters to find employment, having a workspace available, even as the rest of your house is being packed up, can help boost your focus and productivity. And we’re not talking about anyplace fancy; a folding table, chair, and laptop comprise the key elements of a mobile office. Furthermore, keeping these work-related items separate from everything else that’s getting packed up ensures these things are readily available throughout the move.

5. Only Bring What’s Necessary

Everyone has stuff — old clothes, assorted knick-nacks, and general items that serve no purpose beyond occupying floor space. Well, moving to a new city is the perfect opportunity to get rid of some of your excess stuff. One way to unload unwanted items is by selling them online or donating them to a charity. If you do sell some things, the profits can then offset your moving costs.

The time to start downsizing is one to three months before moving day. It’s also around this time that you should call and schedule your movers. Remember, the earlier you arrange for moving services, the more time you’ll have to plan and carry out these five tips as a way to make your relocation a success.

Whether you’re moving to a nearby town or across the country, UF Mover Guys will see that you get to your new city on time with all your belongings. Based in Gainesville, FL, we’ve built a reputation for dependable moving services with professionals, students, and families. Contact us to schedule your move today!

Moving Tips For Newly Married Couples

Moving Tips for Newlyweds

A wedding ceremony, whether it is a quaint gathering or grand affair, is always an accomplishment for the couple. But for those moving into a new home, what transpires after the wedding bells stop ringing can be a test. Couples who lived together before getting hitched have some advantage, while newlyweds who previously lived apart face an extra challenge: merging two homes. But no matter the circumstances of the move, using these tips from UF Mover Guys will ensure your first move as a married couple will be just as satisfying as your wedding night (or at least close to it).

Merging Two Households

In most moves, the emphasis is on relocating the contents of one home, but newly married couples might have the added step of consolidating their personal belongings first. Thus, for newlyweds who lived separately but now plan to merge their homes, our Gainesville movers suggest following a set process.

Schedule Movers

Newlyweds coming from separate homes may need to plan for two moving jobs in order to transport the contents of each spouse’s previous home to the couple’s new home. When scheduling services from a moving company, people are advised to book at least three months in advance. Not only does scheduling in advance ensure the movers are available when needed, but it can take a few months for couples to prepare for a move.

Draft Inventories

The first preparation for couples who are consolidating two households is for each spouse to take an inventory of his or her personal belongings. In Florida movers compile inventory lists of items in a home while packing in order to verify later that all items arrived at the new home. But for a couple who is moving, inventory lists also offer a helpful perspective for making decisions about what personal items should be kept or done away with.

Compare Items

In order to reduce the time and costs associated with hiring movers, homeowners often downsize their personal property before a move. The fewer items there are to pack and relocate, the smaller the moving job becomes. For newlyweds, saving money on moving costs is beneficial, but downsizing is also a way to save space and ensure both spouses’ possessions fit in the new home. Therefore, newlyweds should compare their personal item inventories while making united decisions about which items can be kept, sold, donated, or thrown away.

General Moving Advice

Similar to movers, couples can expertly pack the contents of a home by following smart packing techniques with moving tips from UF Mover Guys. To pack properly, load boxes with larger, heavier items first, and then fill the remaining empty spaces with smaller items. Also, keep organized by labeling boxes with the names of the rooms in the new home for which the boxes’ contents are intended. Furthermore, couples who are renting a moving truck can ensure safe transport by loading heavier boxes toward the back of the truck and lighter boxes near the front of the truck to help keep the truck balanced.

UF Mover Guys is a moving company dedicated to serving the relocation needs of everyone from newlyweds and families to college students and professionals. We deliver flexible yet high-quality moving services and are a provider of low-cost moving supplies, including boxes, tape, and packing foam. To learn more, contact us today!

How To Cut Moving Costs

Cutting Moving Costs In Gainesville, FL

Few events in life are more exciting than moving, except some homeowners dread it because they believe the costs are too high. The real truth about moving is it’s only as expensive as people make it. Every decision can swing the costs up or down, and a few smart choices can make the process downright inexpensive. So if the goal is to save some green, UF Mover Guys has a few moving tips to reduce expenses and still achieve the desired outcome.

Do The Packing Yourself

The same moving companies in Gainesville that provide packing services also sell do-it-yourself moving supplies (cardboard boxes, tape, foam peanuts, etc.). To save a little money, skip paying the pros to pack up and instead do the job yourself; maybe invite some friends to help and pay them in pizza and drinks.

Use Alternative Moving Supplies Found In You Home

Professional packers aren’t that expensive to hire. So while DIY packing cuts costs, the savings aren’t a huge amount. One way to reduce expenses further is not to use moving supplies and instead pack using the materials already in your home. Here are a few ideas.

Substitutes For Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes aren’t expensive. Yet, completing a large moving job can take dozens of boxes. That can eat into your budget. If you’re strapped for cash, our movers recommend using one of these alternatives to boxes.


Even if you can’t remember the last time you went on a vacation, chances are you have nestled in the back of the closet one or two suitcases. What’s nice about suitcases is they’re not only a cost-effective alternative to moving boxes. But they often have wheels, making them ideal vessels for transporting your heaviest items.

Plastic Trash Bags

Trash bags ain’t pretty. But they’re low-cost, expansive, and thus effective for packing items on moving day. One downside of trash bags is the lack of protection; you may not want to use them to carry your laptop, flatscreen TV, or similarly fragile items — unless you wrap these in towels beforehand. But most household items, such as your wardrobe, can be packed into trash bags with no issues.

Low-Cost Packing Peanut Alternatives

Well-trained movers utilize assorted types of padding to protect items during transit. The prices for these materials, such as packing peanuts or foam wrapping, are mostly low. Yet, when a budget is tight, it cuts costs to find alternatives.


Proper packing techniques call for filling up empty spaces in boxes with paper or foam matting, so the contents don’t rattle around during transit. If you can’t afford packing materials, an alternative you no doubt own already are bathroom or kitchen towels. Towels can wrap delicate items or be placed on top of nearly full boxes to fill in the gaps and keep contents secure during travel.


The household items that are most temperamental are made of glass or ceramic, such as dishes or decorative pieces. You’ll see movers in Gainesville wrap these pieces in paper before packing them. The paper reduces the risk of chips or cracks when items collide. Instead of moving paper, one cost-saving option is to use your clothing. Examples include using T-shirts to separate dishes or clean socks can protect stemware.

Save Money By Reducing Waste

When you pack up old belongings you no longer need or allow food to spoil before moving because of poor planning for shopping, these are examples of waste that cost money. By eliminating the waste, you improve the affordability of the move.

Moving Resources

Many people have clothes they don’t wear or boxes of home decorations they never intend to display. Getting rid of unwanted items before moving saves money. First of all, some items may be sellable, and the profits can offset moving expenses. Furthermore, it takes resources to pack and transport items. Every item you move that shouldn’t be moved is an added expense. To avoid waste, plan about three months prior to moving to downsize your home. Create an inventory of your belongings. Mark which ones you’ll keep, sell, donate, or throw out. And by the time moving day arrives, try to have gone all the items you don’t need. For more expert moving tips, contact UF Mover Guys!


Throwing away food is an obvious waste of money. But it happens often to people who face a fridge full of perishable items when moving day rolls around. To avoid having to waste food, consume all the perishable items ahead of time, and don’t buy anymore within a few days of the move. You can find plenty of creative recipes for utilizing those leftovers from If you have unopened, nonperishable food donations, you can bring those to Bread of the Might Food Bank in Gainesville.

No matter your budget, UF Mover Guys offers customizable services that can be tailored to your move. For full-moving services, we charge no travel or fuel fees on local residential, commercial, and student moves. We also have affordable rates on moving trucks rentals and moving supplies. Contact us to learn more!