Tips for Investigating a New Neighborhood Before Moving

Finding out that your new neighborhood feels unsafe or too rowdy the night after your Gainesville movers leave is one of the worst things that can happen. That is why it is important to try to learn everything you can about your future neighborhood before you make any final decisions.

Exploring Your Future Gainesville Neighborhood

While your real estate agent is required to inform you about any factors of the surrounding area, he/she may not be aware of all aspects. Instead, you must take the initiative to learn about the community for yourself. Here are several steps you may want to consider before you finalize plans with your moving services in Gainesville.

Track Crime Rates

One of the common indicators that the neighborhood is less than ideal is the number of crimes committed in the surrounding area. There are several websites you can check such as and These sites have a list of all of the recent crimes that have been committed. Plug in the address of your new house and then a record will appear detailing what the charges were and on what date the incidents occurred.

Check Local Newspaper Stories

While you are looking for Florida moving companies, remember that newspapers can be another helpful resource. Most newspaper databases allow you to search according to the names of streets and neighborhoods. Here, you will find information about everything in the area from anniversaries and weddings to missing persons and unsolved murders.

Look for Registered Sex Offenders

The law requires all sex offenders to be registered on a list. Various websites such as the National Sex Offender Public Registry and Family Watchdog let you search the database with your address. Though these people must live somewhere, it is helpful to keep these facts in mind.

Spend Time Driving Around in the Neighborhood

Another helpful step during your Florida moving process is to spend time in your future neighborhood. Drive down the surrounding streets at different times throughout the day and night and be sure to go on both weekdays and weekends. Look for people jogging and children playing throughout the neighborhood, which are signs that the area is safe and has a sense of community. If you notice suspicious characters, run down houses, or a lack of people, it may be a sign that the area is not ideal. Make sure that you trust your gut. If you feel like something if off, take that into account.

Moving Companies in Gainesville, FL

Once you find the perfect house for you in the right neighborhood, you will need to find a moving company Gainesville, FL, residents trust. UF Mover Guys offer efficient and reliable services to make your moving process easier. Let us do the heavy lifting for you! Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

Smart Moving Hacks

Tips to Make Gainesville Moving Quicker

Let’s face it, no one enjoys packing, it is monotonous, time consuming and hurts your back. However, it is a task that must be completed one way or another. If you have to do it, you might as well look for ways to make the Florida moving process as seamless as possible. Here are a couple tricks that might speed things up a bit.


Utilize Towels and Sheets

Your linen will need to be packed anyway, so why not use them to protect your fragile items? Wrap vases and other breakables in these large pieces of fabric to keep them from breaking during the move. Not only will these items be protected, but you will save space by not needing to pack them separately. Additionally, it is environmentally friendly because you will not need to acquire as many other packing materials.

Color Code Boxes

When you are unloading boxes at your new residence, it can be confusing to figure out where each box goes. If you write the name of the room in a permanent marker, it can be difficult to find and read the label as you are carrying heavy boxes. Instead, color your boxes different colors according to their corresponding room. You can even use a variety of different colored packing tape to make the label more obvious in order to speed up the Gainesville moving process.

Pack Plates, Mirrors & Artwork Vertically

Traditionally, when we attempt to pack plates and other valuables, we stack them just like we do it in the cupboard. However, they are stronger and more stable if they remain vertical. Wrap objects like plates, mirrors and artwork and then place them in a large box so they are able to stand up. For mirrors and pieces of art, consider wrapping them in packing paper just as you would a present for superior coverage and support.

Keep Clothing on Hangers

It is quite time consuming to remove all of your clothing from their hangers, organize them in a box, pack the hangers separately and then rehang all of your clothing when you get to your new home. However, there is a much simpler method. Simply tie a group of hangers together with the clothing still on them. Then use plastic wrap or a garbage bag to secure all of the clothing, which your Florida movers will then be able to easily load into the truck. When you are unpacking, you can simply put the hangers in your closet and remove the plastic.

Use Soap to Fill in Holes

If you have several holes in your walls, but do not want to make the extra trip to the store for spackle, use household products. Take plain, white bar soap and scrub it over the holes in your walls. They will become filled quickly without the need for an unnecessary purchase.

Professional Gainesville Moving Companies

One of the worst parts of the moving process is attempting to carry heavy furniture out to the moving truck, especially in Florida. However, your move will be made much simpler if you allow Florida moving company to do it for you. Our team at UF Mover Guys will safely and efficiently move all of your belongings so you don’t have to.

Give Notice Before You Move Out

Properly Notifying Your Apartment Manager

No matter how much you enjoy your current apartment, unexpected life events happen. Do you suddenly have to move out of town for a job or family? Are you getting married? Whatever the reason, you will need to learn the proper way to notify your landlord in order to maintain a positive relationship and ensure a positive Gainesville moving experience.

Importance of Giving Notice

If you leave your apartment in negative terms, you may feel the effects for many years to come. In many ways, a negative experience with a landlord is similar to being fired from a job. Future prospective housing options will call your past landlords to determine whether you are a trusted tenant. However, if you leave a poor last impression with management, they will tell your new apartment manager negative facts that will greatly decrease your likelihood of getting your desired apartment. Notifying your landlord of your move with plenty of time will provide them with time to find a replacement and they will be less frustrated with you.

Review Your Lease

The key to renting from someone is to remember that your lease is a binding legal contract. Whenever you want to take a new step in regards to your relationship with your landlord, you must look over the fine print. Most likely, it will clearly state their policy on getting out of a lease early and how long your current contract is for. Also, be sure to keep track of rental cycles. Often, notice must coincide with the cycle so that if you provide notice in the middle of a month, it may take the remaining two weeks for the actual notice period to begin. It is always beneficial to provide more notice than necessary in order to be safe. Then you are free to begin scheduling with your Gainesville movers without fear of tension with management.

How Do You Give Notice?

In any relationship that involves the exchange of money or services, you must keep everything in writing. Therefore, you need to write a letter clearly describing your intentions. Be sure to write your full address with your unit number. One of the most important details is to write the date. This will help document when you provided notice. Then add the address of the management office. In the main part of the letter, you will want to include when you are planning on moving out, if you know of another tenant who wants to move in and whether you are going to thoroughly clean your unit in hopes of getting your security deposit back. At the end, you will want to provide your new address so they will be able to forward your security deposit to you. In order to give it to them, you can choose to do it in person, get delivery confirmation or send it by certified mail. Make sure that you keep a copy for yourself as proof.

Moving in Florida

When you want to end a rental lease for an apartment, it is not as easy as a simple conversation. You must follow your contract, keep everything in writing and do it in advance. Once this is completed, you will be free to hire a Gainesville moving company and begin packing without fear of repercussions.

Moving Out? Fix Any Damage First

Fix Any Damage Before Moving Out

Understandably, when you live somewhere for an extended periods of time accidents happen. You knocked over an entire glass of red wine on your carpet, your friend punched a hole in the wall during a dance off or you made a huge scratch in your flooring while moving your sofa in. While landlords will be understanding of minimal wear and tear, they will be less tolerant of other forms of damage. Here are several tips for repairs you can utilize before your Florida movers arrive.

Remove Scratches

If you have scratches in your hardwood flooring or scuffs on your baseboards, there are steps you can take to make them look like new. Use walnuts to wipe the scuffs away on your wooden surfaces. If this proves to be ineffective, you can purchase a wood colored marker from your local hardware store. Then use it to fill in the scratches until they disappear. In order to make your baseboards look like new, use Mr. Clean’s Magic Erasers. Wet them with water and watch the dirt and grime quickly disappear.

Repair Blinds

Blinds are quite fragile and can easily break. Begin by using a wet rag or paper towel to remove any dust or debris that have built up on the surface and you will be immediately surprised at the difference. If any of the blinds are bent, try your best to straighten them as much as possible. If you are unable to make them look nice, go to your local hardware store and purchase another set that are the same color and style. It will be cheaper to purchase them yourself rather than if your landlord does it for you.

Clean Stains

Hopefully, you have been trying to remove stains as they occur. After all, they are much easier to clean if they have not set in completely yet. However, you may have missed a couple stains once your Florida moving company removes all of your furniture from the area. Begin by applying baking soda to the stain and scrubbing it clean. If this fails, you might want to consider renting a carpet cleaner. You will be surprised at how nice your flooring will look when you are finished.

Fill Small & Large Holes

The majority of apartments and houses have a variety of holes from accidents or nails that held up décor. If the holes are small, there is a simple fix. Use spackle to fill them in, allow it to dry and then use sandpaper to make it flush with the surrounding wall. You can also use a bar of white bar soap as a cheaper alternative by rubbing it across the hole until it is filled in. If you have a larger hole, your job becomes a bit more complicated. Visit your local hardware store and purchase a repair kit. Place the patch on the hole, then apply spackle and sand it down.

Perform Repairs Before Your Gainesville Move

Remember that the more repairs you are able to perform yourself, the less your landlord will have to do. Any cleaning or repairs he makes will cost more than if you attempt to do them yourself. It may take time to thoroughly inspect and fix issues at your residence, but it will be worth it when you receive your security deposit back in full when you move out. To make your moving process as successful as possible, allow a Florida moving company to safely move your belongings for you.

Moving on Short Notice? These Tips Will Help

How to Handle a Last-Minute Move

Life throws us unexpected curve balls sometimes. When it comes to moving, time to plan is one of the most important factors in the process. But sometimes life does not pan out the way we want it to. If you find yourself needing to pack up all of your belongings and move on short notice, you will want to be as efficient as possible. Here are several tips that might help you during the Gainesville moving process.


Remain Calm

The key to adapting to your circumstances is to avoid excessive stress. Even if you are completely overwhelmed by your lack of time, tell yourself that everything will work out and you will get through this tough time. If you feel panicked, your ability to make wise decisions will be compromised. Further, your thoughts will be consumed by questions about how you ended up in this situation rather than what you can be doing to remain productive.

Create Timeline

Whether your timeline is for six weeks or six days, making a timeline is crucial. It allows you to clearly see everything that must be accomplished and prioritize different tasks. A well thought out system will also ensure that you did not forget anything. Each time you cross something off the list, you can feel relieved that you are making progress.

Declutter as Much as Possible

There are plenty of items that we all own that are damaged or are no longer used. When you are working on such a short amount of time, you need to be as efficient as possible. You do not have time to pack, transport and unload unnecessary items. Therefore, it is best to go through your items quickly and donate or dispose of any possessions that you do not use. Though you may think this is a time consuming process, it will save you time and effort in the long run.

Seek Help From Reliable Friends

When you are limited on time, you will need to acquire as much help as possible. Contact dependable friends and tell them of your dilemma. See if they would be available to help you in anyway during the process such as packing, cleaning or transporting your belongings. The more people you have, the less time it will take. Make sure that you thank them for their time and effort by providing food and drinks.

Hire a Florida Moving Company

Professional help will go a long way in speeding up the process. Whether you ask Gainesville movers to load and unload the moving truck or hire them to pack and unpack as well, you will be surprised at how efficient they can be. They have completed these tasks countless times so they know how to get them done much quicker than you can.

Moving Companies in Gainesville, FL

When you are in need of a Gainesville moving company, choose UF Mover Guys. We offer a variety of moving options so you can choose the one that will be most helpful for you. Our team is hardworking, dependable and friendly so when you hire us, you can trust the job will get done right. Avoid the stress you are feeling about your quickly approaching move and call UF Mover Guys today.

What You Need to Handle First After a Move

Florida Moving Checklist

Once you move, you have so much to do that it may be difficult to know what to tackle first. You might begin several projects at once which makes it harder to finish any of your tasks. It can also be quite easy to forget about various details. Below is a list of several things you will want to take care of sooner rather than later so you are not greatly inconvenienced.

Document Flaws

One of the important steps in the Gainesville moving process is to walk through and document any damage. Problems may include aspects such as chipped paint, cracked tiles, stains, burns, condition of sinks, tubs, and appliances, and poor caulking. Write a thorough list of flaws and take plenty of pictures. This account will help prove your innocence when you are moving out so you cannot be held accountable for any damage you did not do.

Unpack Essentials

Though you may be tempted to attempt to unpack everything at once, begin by finding the items that you will need immediately. Hopefully, you packed a specific box containing items such as sheets, towels, toiletries, medication, paper towels, toilet paper, soap and utensils. This way, you can proceed with daily life easily without needing to unpack everything or searching through various boxes.

Call Utility Companies

Contact your various utility providers such as power, water, Internet and cable to ensure that you have access to utilities when you need them. You will want to set up the router for your Internet at this point as well. This will allow you to take a break from unpacking to watch some Netflix or unwind at the end of your day on social media.

Measure Layout

If you have not so already, take measurements of your new residence. Measure the distance between walls, windows and doors. This will help you determine how your furniture will fit and what furniture and decor you will need to purchase to make your new place feel like home. Hopefully, your Gainesville movers will be able to drop off the furniture in the appropriate rooms for you.

Shop for Groceries

While it can be fun to eat out and try the local cuisine, it can quickly get expensive. Instead, visit the local grocery store and pick up food that is easy to prepare while your cooking utensils are still in boxes. You can also take this as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the store you will be visiting frequently.

Update Address

Though no one enjoys paperwork, it is vital that you officially change your address. Visit the Post Office to update your new mailing address or update it online. This will allow them to forward any mail to you that gets sent to your old address. At this time, you can also notify your bank, credit card and online stores of your change in address. Do not forget to tell your friends and family as well so they do not accidentally send something to your old place.

Explore Your New Location

There will always be time to unpack, so make sure you spend time exploring the atmosphere in your new city. Go out to dinner at a local restaurant, spend time seeing the local tourist spots or visit small shops. These activities will help you to escape the pressure and monotony of getting settled while staying excited about living in your new location.

Be Purposeful After Your Florida Move

While there are plenty of projects you can take on once your Gainesville moving company leaves, it is vital that you think through the tasks you must complete in order to have a successful adjustment period. Review this list to make sure you are not forgetting anything.

Packing Tips for a Big Move

Packing all of your belongings into boxes can seem like a daunting task. However, just like many things, if you follow the correct steps, your Gainesville moving process will be over before you know it. Here is a list of several measures you can take to ensure your procedure goes smoothly.

Pack an Overnight Bag

Before you begin packing all of your boxes, set aside a duffel or small suitcase. Fill it with a couple changes of clothes, toiletries, pajamas and a few snacks. This will help you find essentials without needing to open multiple boxes to find toothpaste or a hairbrush. Additionally, you will want to assign one box to be opened first. Inside, it should contain all of the possessions you need to for the first couple days including bedding, towel, silverware, paper towels and a flashlight.

Collect Necessary Materials

Gather packing materials before you begin packing. First, you will need something to put all of your belongings in. Utilize any containers you already have such as plastic bins, suitcases and tote bags. Then head to your local hardware store where you can buy boxes or to the grocery store where you might be able to acquire some for free. Next, buy packing tape, permanent markers, bubble wrap and tissue paper.


Spend time ridding yourself of unnecessary items. If you have not used or worn something in the last year, donate it. It is not beneficial to spend time packing, moving and unloading objects that you have no real purpose for. Take this as an opportunity to start fresh. Once you decide what you no longer want, decide what should be donated and what needs to be thrown away. You may even be able to sell furniture, electronics or clothing before you move.


As you begin putting belongings in boxes, pack them with items that are similar. For example, place all kitchen items in boxes together and then move on to each new room. This will make unpacking much simpler. Keep in mind that you will be living in housing that may have a different layout. Therefore, if you now want to put your DVD collection in your room instead of the living room, you will want to consider that when packing.

Label Boxes

Use a permanent marker to label not only which room each box goes in but what items are inside. As your Gainesville movers are unloading boxes, they will know which rooms they should place each one. Then, when you begin unpacking or are looking for a specific item, you will also have an idea about which box you are looking for. Further, you will want to write “fragile” on any box that has breakables. This will help your movers know which boxes they should be especially careful with and avoid placing them underneath heavier boxes.

Moving Company in Florida

After you finish packing, you will need assistance from a Gainesville moving company transporting your possessions to your new home. Let UF Mover Guys assist you by safely and efficiently load and unload your boxes. We can even do all of the packing and unpacking for you to make your job that much easier. Call us today to begin coordinating.

UF Mover Guys Earns 2016 Angie’s List Super Service Award

Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service

UF Mover Guys has earned the home service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of customer service to members of the local services marketplace and consumer review site in 2016. This is the third consecutive year the Gainesville moving company has earned the prestigious achievement.

This achievement is particularly significant as Angie’s List experienced unprecedented member growth in 2016. More than 1.6 million consumers, many of whom were eager to quickly hire highly qualified service pros, joined Angie’s List after the company added a new, free membership tier.

“Companies that can meet higher demands without missing a beat in their exemplary performance standards truly do stand apart from their peers,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “Only a fraction of the moving companies in Florida were able to do it.”

Angie’s List Super Service Award 2016 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade, recent grade, and review period grade. The SSA winners must also be in good standing with Angie’s List, pass a background check and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines.

Service company ratings are updated daily on Angie’s List as new, verified consumer reviews are submitted. Companies are graded on an A through F scale in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality.

For more than 21 years, Angie’s List restricted access to its verified reviews to consumers who paid membership fees. When the company removed that barrier, some companies worried that the new, non-paying members would not be as engaged as members of the past. Experience has shown, however, that these newly added members are just as engaged — across all age groups — as prior members. Also, because the company continues to adhere to its review verification process, there has been no degradation of review quality.

“The biggest change at Angie’s List is that we are connecting even more consumers to high quality service professionals,” Hicks said. “And that’s good for everyone.”


Angie’s List helps facilitate happy transactions between more than 4.5 million consumers nationwide and its collection of highly rated service providers in more than 720 categories of service, ranging from home improvement to health care. Built on a foundation of more than 10 million verified reviews of local service, Angie’s List connects consumers directly to its online marketplace of services from member-reviewed providers, and offers unique tools and support designed to improve the local service experience for both consumers and service professionals.

How to Have a Smooth Transition After Moving

Transitioning After a Move

There are a lot of steps involved in the Gainesville moving process. If you do not handle them properly, a somewhat complicated process can quickly turn into a difficult mess. Therefore, it is best to take care of everything correctly in the first place so that you do not have to continually fix mistakes.

Gather Materials

Before you begin the actual moving process, you will want to make sure you have all of the proper supplies necessary for a smooth move. In order to pack, you will need to get plenty of boxes, packing tape, permanent markers and bubble wrap. You can go to any large hardware store to purchase boxes or you can usually get some for free from grocery stores if you ask. Use the markers to clearly label each box with what room each one belongs in and what contents are inside. This will help you find items easier once you arrive at your new residence. You may want to rent or borrow a dolly to help you transport boxes in and out of your house.

Find Assistance

There is no conceivable way for you to consider moving by yourself. Therefore, you have the choice between asking your trusted friends to help or hiring a Gainesville moving company. In most cases, you will not need to pay your friends, but you should provide food and drinks while they are working. The advantage to hiring Florida moving professionals is that they are experienced. They know how to properly move your belongings quickly and safely. You can relax while your movers do the heavy lifting.

Take a Day Off Work

When you move to a new place, you may want to get right into the swing of things by focusing on your career. However, it is beneficial to take an extra day off of work after your Gainesville movers leave to get settled. Spend the day unpacking and making your new place feel more like home. If you have any extra time, spend it decompressing from the move or exploring your new area. While you may feel like this is unnecessary, you will be extremely grateful for it later. Once you are working, it will be almost impossible to find the time to unpack boxes when you are tired at the end of each day.

Preparation is Key! Tips to Keep in Mind Before Your Move

Moving can seem like a hectic, overwhelming undertaking consisting of an endless list of tasks, worries, hassles and expenses. But don’t worry, as experts in the moving business, UF Mover Guys is here to share the simple secret to taking the stress out of your next move. The truth is, with proper preparation and organization, moving to a new home doesn’t have to be a pain!

The more you plan ahead (and start early), the easier your move will be. Here’s a few important preparation tips to help streamline your upcoming move:

Get Housing Plans in Order

Contact a realtor or rental service as far ahead of time as possible to help you locate your next home. If you’re currently renting, don’t forget to give your landlord at least a month’s notice about your upcoming departure. If you’re a homeowner, put your current home up for sale at least 3–4 months before you intend to move, and give yourself at least 1–2 weeks between your move date and the closing of the home you are departing.

Pack with a Floor Plan in Mind

Once you’ve lined up your next housing arrangement, be sure to keep the new home’s size and floor plan in mind when you’re planning and packing for your move. This will help you envision what furniture will fit into your new space and what items you may want to replace or give away.

Sort and Declutter Ahead of Time

Whether through auction, antique dealers, consignment, charity or family members, getting rid of unneeded household items before relocating means there will be less stuff to move when the time comes. It’s also possible you can make a little money from selling unwanted items, and extra cash always comes in handy around moving time.

Notify People About Your Move

Don’t forget to inform family, friends and neighbors of your upcoming move and new address! Also notify the post office and utilities about your move a couple weeks ahead of time and complete Change of Address notices for all mail, newspapers and magazines.


You can save time by pre-packing small items and valuables such as art, silver, crystal, jewelry and electronics. People usually prefer to hand-carry these items, so be sure those boxes are clearly labeled for hand-carrying.

Make Plans for Your Pets

It’s a good idea to arrange for a pet-sitter ahead of time as pets often get stressed on moving day, and it’s better if they aren’t underfoot. Ask a friend or family member to keep your pets at their house for the day, or pay to have them lodged at a kennel — they’ll thank you for it!

Stay Organized

Save yourself a headache by keeping all moving-related paperwork organized together, and all lease or home sale and home purchase paperwork together. Things tend to get misplaced during moves; organizing all needed paperwork in one large envelope will cut down on the chance of an important document getting lost.

Hire the Right Movers

Don’t try and do all the work yourself! Moving is a big undertaking, and you’ve already got all the planning to handle on your own. UF Mover Guys is a local Gainesville moving company with years of experience and a professional moving staff. Our North Central Florida moving company provides free quotes, unmatched moving services, friendly staff and affordable prices. We guarantee you’ll be happy you hired us to do all the heavy lifting!

Clean Last

Cleaning becomes a whole lot easier once everything has been removed from your home. If you’re looking to avoid having to clean everything yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaning service such as ​Gainesville Mini Maid​ to handle it for you. They’ll handle everything from scrubbing floors to cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, and it’s never a bad thing to have one less item on your to-do list on moving day!